Architects and Contractors

Architect/Engineer/Consultant Procurement

  • Services are procured through Office of the State Architect (OSA) Request for Qualification(RFQ) Process
  • Services include design, engineering, geotechnical, material testing and special inspections, surveying, industrial hygienist, LEED, and Commissioning.
  • For fees under $100,000 and under $1,000,000 in construction value for design the university primarily uses design and construction related professional services- CU Boulder has a shared as needed resource.
  • Services over $100,000 are procured through public RFQ process on OSA Design and Construction Notices

Construction Procurement

  • Facilities Projects Facilities Construction Services Group completes small construction project needs
  • Construction under $500,000 is completed using the Office of the State Architect (OSA) Small Construction Purchase Program. CU Denver prequalifies General, Mechanical, Plumbing, Electrical, Asbestos, Roofing, Concrete, and Paving contractors annually in March. For more information, see the Small Construction Purchase Program 
  • Construction over $500,000 is completed using OSA Design-Bid-Build (hard bid) or Construction Manager General Contractor (CMGC) process for larger and more complex projects. All Services over $150,000 are procured through public Request for Proposal (RFP) process on OSA Design and Construction Notices

Design and Construction Forms

  • Architects, Engineers, Consultants, and Contractors can find commonly used project forms on the office of the State Architect website
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