Hybrid Technology Improvement: Round 0 Complete
Round 1 Begins
Aug 28, 2023
Hybrid Technology Improvement Project: August Update

Current State
We have made great progress on our ongoing classroom and conference room technology upgrades for the Hybrid Technology Improvement Project. The initial implementation phase of Round 0 has concluded, and we have successfully upgraded six rooms:
Education 2 North, P28-1308
Education 2 North, P28-2307
Education 2 North, P28-2106
Education 2 South, L28-2305
Education 2 North, P28-2102
Education 2 North, P28-1103
These rooms are all available in the EMS system for reservations and booking for classes. If you would like to see the new rooms and test the technology, please reserve the room with the EMS Web App.
As part of our project goals to streamline the classroom setup and create a more user-friendly experience, we want to remind users that we implemented a new support model to better serve your classroom and conference room needs. If you experience technical issues in any classroom or conference room on the Anschutz Medical Campus, please call the OIT Service Desk at 303-724-4357 or 4-HELP and select Option 1. This will connect you with a Service Desk Professional who will create a service ticket and quickly dispatch a technician if needed. Each classroom and conference room has new signs posted with this phone number.
The modifications to these rooms align with our goals to streamline classroom setup, create a more user-friendly experience, and encourage interactive participation between instructors and students. The successful completion of these six rooms marks a major milestone in this project, and we are energized to continue the vital work of classroom and conference room modernization.
Next Steps
22 rooms have been identified for the next phase of Round 1. While the goal is to complete upgrades in these rooms by January 2024, that timeline might shift due to supplier availability and delays. Our aim for the upcoming phase is to complete installations in a reasonable timeframe without impacts on learning or business activities; we appreciate your flexibility and understanding if some impacts do occur during the process.
As part of our commitment to continuous improvement, we are seeking your feedback about this project at roomfeedback@cuanschutz.edu.