CU Anschutz Campus Wi-Fi Enhancement Initiative
Nov 21, 2023
OIT Wi-Fi Initiative Background:
We have heard your feedback and are working to improve the network connectivity across campus. With the success of updating the Education Buildings, Fulginiti Pavilion and Skaggs School of Pharmacy earlier in 2023, the Office of Information Technology (OIT) moved forward with additional Wi-Fi updates across the campus this past fall. Partnered with our vendor, we completed work on replacing aging equipment to enhance Wi-Fi performance in additional buildings* across the campus.
OIT is excited to be able to provide these updates and an enhanced Wi-Fi performance to users on the Anschutz Medical Campus. This is an ongoing effort with multiple phases, so we appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to bring you this service.
What Comes Next:
Phase II worked to upgrade most of the aging equipment to the newest and latest Wi-Fi hardware; there are still some areas across the campus that require additional design detail to upgrade the reach of the Wi-Fi signal. To address these already identified areas, the OIT Enterprise Network and Hosting (Wi-Fi) team will work to create heat-maps. Heat-maps are created by walking through buildings and locations to measure the amount of Wi-Fi the space has with the current installation. From the heat-maps, combined with feedback reported to the OIT Service Desk, OIT will work to enhance the Wi-Fi in those areas where it is needed.
Additional phases to this initiative include replacing equipment in more buildings across the campus and a concentrated effort on specific areas where supplemental support is needed to enhance the signal. We appreciate your flexibility and understanding as we undergo this effort. Your feedback on the process is appreciated to help us with future updates as this project evolves. Please submit your feedback to the Service Desk at
Thank you again for your patience and understanding. We are looking forward to enhancing the Wi-Fi performance across the Anschutz Medical Campus and supporting our constituents in their work with improved network performance.
*Barbra Davis Center, School of Dental Medicine, Anschutz Health and Wellness Center, Academic Office Building AO1, Strauss Health Sciences Library, Nighthorse Campbell Native Health Building, Building 407, Environmental Health and Safety Building, PASCAL, Bioscience Two, Bioscience One, CU Medicine, Building 402, Building 401, Building 400, Building 534 connected to Fitzsimons, Building 406, Fitzsimons and the majority of the clinic sites.