Note: It is very important that all pertinent information be included on the chartfield forms as this will make the process quicker.
Program Request Worksheet
Program Source of Funding - If the money is coming from another speedtype, fill in that speedtype. Otherwise, just explain where the money is coming from. This should be as detailed as possible. A few examples are listed below.
Purpose - This should explain the purpose of the new chartfield and specifically state what the funds will be spent on. This should be as detailed as possible. A few examples are listed below.
Fiscal Roles - Enter the position numbers and campus box numbers for the Program Fiscal Principal and Program Fiscal Manager.
Expenditure Control Rule (ECR)/Available Resource Basis (ARB) - A description of the ECR and ARB attributes can be found in the Expenditure Control Overview. If unsure which attribute to assign, leave blank and the Finance Office will assign.
Fund - Enter fund code if known, if not, leave blank and Finance will complete.
Organization - This is mandatory. Enter the organization code within your unit where the speedtype is to be established.
Speedtype Fiscal Staff - Up to five fiscal staff are allowed, but only one can be designated as “Primary.” Select the Expense System Fiscal Staff Attribute (A-Approver, R-Reports, B-Both Approver and Reports).