Speedtype Request Procedures

The following procedures will guide you through the process of requesting a new Speedtype.

1.  To request a new program for Unrestricted, Auxiliary, Plant, or non-UPI Agency Funds (Funds 10, 2x, 72, 80):

a. Click on the required chartfield request forms:

b. Complete the coversheet, program and speedtype worksheets by filling in the sections highlighted in yellow.

c. If the request is for a new program to be established in Funds 20 to 29 of the Auxiliary Fund, the following additional forms must be completed (click on the required form):

  • UBIT Questionnaire (All funds 2x except leftover monies from closed grants)  For questions regarding the UBIT Questionnaire, send an email to Ryan Yu or call 303-315-2256.
  • Cost Allocation Survey (Anschutz Campus only)
  • If the activity is determined to be an Internal Service Center, the Finance Office Service Center Accountant will contact the unit with instructions on completing a cost study.
  • All chartfield requests should be approved by the school or unit administrator/fiscal manager.  Unrestricted and Auxiliary Fund budgets must be coordinated directly with the university Budget Office via your school or unit administrator/fiscal manager.

d. Send completed forms through campus mail to the university Finance Office at Campus Box A005/129 or email to Finance.Chartfields@ucdenver.edu.

2.  To request a new project in Restricted Funds 30 and 31, contact the Office of Grants and Contracts at 303-724-0090.

3.  To request a new Gift program in fund 34, contact the Office of Grants and Contracts at 303-724-0260, Campus Box F428, or OGC.Gifts@ucdenver.edu.

4.  To request a new UPI program (Fund 80) – Contact the UPI Finance Office to establish a new cost center for clinical activities.  Upon approval, UPI will contact the university Finance Office to establish the new program in Fund 80  (School of Medicine only).

Finance Office

CU Anschutz

Fitzsimons Building

13001 East 17th Place

Suite W1126

Aurora, CO 80045


CU Denver

Lawrence Street Center

1380 Lawrence Street

Suite 900

Denver, CO 80204


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