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Speedtype Procedures 

Request Procedures

Unrestricted, Auxiliary, Plant, or non-CU Medicine Agency Funds (Funds 1x, 2x, 72, 80):

Restricted Funds 30 and 31:

Gifts in Fund 34 and 35:

CU Medicine Program (Fund 80):

  • Contact the CU Medicine Finance Office to establish a new cost center. CU Medicine will then liaise with the university Finance Office to establish the new program in Fund 80.


Request Worksheet


  • Speedtypes are unique identifiers in the general ledger.
  • Each speedtype tracks activities separately for compliance.
  • Structure: Campus (first digit), Fund (second and third digits), Sequential Number (digits four to eight).

Organization Unit Contact information: Enter contact information for the person filling out the form.

Request Details: Provide a detailed description of what is needed.

Program Source of Funding: Provide detailed information on the source. Provide specific speedtype if known.

Purpose: Clearly state what the funds will be used for. Examples are listed below.

  • Funds will be used to pay expenses of the XYZ conference.
  • Funds will be used to purchase supplies for the metabolic lab.
  • Funds will be used to pay faculty travel expenses.

SpeedType/Program Description: Enter what you want the speedtype description to be.

Fund: Enter code if known.

Org: Organization- where should the speedtype be setup.

Program: Should be left blank as a new program will be created, unless requesting a subclass speedtype then please enter the existing program.

SpeedType: Should be left blank as a new speedtype will be created.

Subclass: Only needed for subclass requests and should be a unique 4 or 5 character value.

Fiscal Roles: Enter position numbers and which attribute each fiscal staff should have.

Note: It is very important that all pertinent information be included on the chartfield forms as this will make the process quicker.


Maintenance Procedures

Updates and Inactivations for Funds 1x, 2x, 72, 80: Email

Restricted Funds 30 and 31: Complete forms from the Office of Grants and Contracts Forms Page and email

Gifts in Fund 34 and 35: Email

CU Medicine Programs (Fund 80): Email


Questions: Contact Zac Gonzales

Finance Office

CU Anschutz

Fitzsimons Building

13001 East 17th Place

Suite W1126

Aurora, CO 80045


CU Denver

Lawrence Street Center

1380 Lawrence Street

Suite 900

Denver, CO 80204


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