Lost and Found

If you have lost an item "of value", please contact the University Police Department at 303-724-4444

If you have found an item "of value", please contact the University Police Department. You may turn the item in directly to the University Police Department located at 13309 E. 17th Place or an officer can meet you to pick up the item.

If your Access Control Badge has been lost or stolen, contact the Security Badging Office at 303-724-0399 as soon as possible. After hours, call 303-724-4444.

Lost & Found



University keys

Personal identification

Access control badge

Miscellaneous Items

Items considered to be of little monetary value (clothing, personal keys, eyeglasses, etc.) are turned into the Facilities Management. You should contact Facilities Management Dispatch at 303-724-1777



Personal keys


Additional Resources

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