Together Again: Moving Upward in Health Care2023 NEAR AHEC Logo

General information


Conference dates are September 22-24, 2023.

The conference will be in the new Health Sciences Building on the Anschutz Medical Campus.
Presentations may be scheduled as a plenary or panel at the conference organizers' discretion.
COAHEC will provide a panel table, chairs, microphones, and a monitor or screen.
All presenters must attend the conference and present in person.



You can expect a variety of attendees, including healthcare professionals throughout


Colorado, residents, research professionals, graduate health profession students, and


AHEC Scholars.





Health Care Professionals, Researchers, Graduate Students, and AHEC Scholars



Length of Presentation:


Plan for 50 minutes, followed by a 10-minute Q&A session.




The deadline to submit your abstract is April 15, 2023.
You must submit your abstract online through the web form below.
COAHEC will not accept emailed submissions.
There is no fee to submit an abstract.
Limit your abstract to five hundred words.
The COAHEC NEAR Conference panel will review each submission.

COAHEC will notify you via email of the submission status no later than May 15, 2023

Colorado AHEC Program Office

CU Anschutz

Education II North

13120 East 19th Avenue

5th Floor

Aurora, CO 80045


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