Educational Toolbox Series Repository

These workshops are open to all individuals regardless of role or responsibility level. The primary goal of these sessions is to help people gain the knowledge to support them in their roles, and their goals for their career, and to offer global training and sharing of knowledge. Members of the campus senior leadership team will share their expertise around topics such as:

  • Budgeting – how does the campus budget model work and where does the funding come from
  • How to handle sensitive expenditures and avoid audit pitfalls: including meals, travel, awards, events and more
  • What you need to know when it comes to moves and remodeling – how can the Facilities and Institutional Planning Teams help you every step of the way
  • F&A from Grants and Contracts presented by the Office of Grants and Contracts, Finance and Budget including policies on distribution and how funds are used

Previous Toolbox Series Presentations

Campus Behavioral Intervention Teams: CARE and FaST Team Overview and Resources

CU Anschutz is committed to campus safety and supporting strategies that mitigate the risk of interpersonal or community violence on our campus and in our workplaces. Join us during this month's Toolbox Series lunch & learn to hear an overview of our CU Anschutz CARE and FaST team resources, whose purpose is to identify, assess, and offer evidence-based interventions that reduce risk of harm to self or others in situations involving student, staff, or faculty concerning behaviors.


Randy Repola
MBA, Associate Vice Chancellor and Chief of Police

Jan Gascoigne, PhD, MCHES
Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs

Adrienne Howarth-Moore, RN, MBA
Associate Vice Chancellor and Chief HR Officer

Sustainability & Resiliency on the CU Anschutz Medical Campus

Learn how Energy Master Planning efforts, currently underway, will lead us into a cleaner and more resilient way of operating our campus facilities. See how we plan to update our Climate Action Plan to ensure we are being responsible stewards of our planet’s finite resources. Hear about new campus sustainability programs.


Jarrett Smith, MPA
CU Anschutz Sustainability Program Manager

Gregory Gibson, MBA, MPA
Executive Director, Facilities Management

Jay Campbell

Associate Vice Chancellor, Facilities Management and Planning

Fiscal Foundations: A Guide to Navigating Fiscal Policies and Requirements

The Financial Services Department provided crucial insights and strategies for effectively managing university fiscal responsibilities. Delve into this comprehensive guide for informed decision-making while navigating university policies and requirements.


Amy Gannon
Associate VC – Financial Services & Controller

Caroline E. Quane
Assistant Director of Fiscal Compliance | Financial Services

Holly Day
Sr. Fiscal Compliance Auditor

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)


Randy Repola
CU Anschutz Campus Chief of Police

Jay Campbell
Associate Vice Chancellor of Facilities Management and Planning

Udalio "Del" Quiel
Director of Facilities Support Services

Gregory Gibson
Executive Director of Building Maintenance & Operations

Leave Benefits for Your Personal Well-Being


Adrienne Howarth-Moore
Associate Vice Chancellor and Chief HR Officer

Brad Mathers
Director for Employee Relations & Performance

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