In 2021, the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus embarked on a new set of strategic initiatives to guide the next phase of our development, and we are proud of the progress we are making.
These five initiatives were developed with the input of hundreds of members of our campus community, and they reflect our shared commitment to keeping CU Anschutz at the forefront of innovation in all of our mission areas.
Intended to take our campus into 2026 and beyond, these initiatives are bold and they are ambitious. They were built on a robust foundation of priorities including growth and investment in clinical excellence, research funding, innovation, mental health and wellness, and efforts to elevate the visibility and reputation of our campus as a medical destination.
Together, these priorities and initiatives stand as guideposts on our path to what is next for CU Anschutz and help drive our forward momentum.
On this website, you can learn about these strategic initiatives, our activities and achievements to date, and our measures of success for the future.
I hope you are inspired by these efforts and where we are heading as a leader and innovator. We are tremendously grateful to all of those who are making these initiatives reality, and whose work moves our mission forward for the benefit of our campus community and those we serve.

Donald M. Elliman, Jr.