2nd Post-Rotation Talks

| 03:00 PM - 04:30 PM
  • Rachel Steinmetz - Sherbenou Lab "Characterization of Two Disparate Mechanisms of Resistance to Protein Translation Inhibitors in Multiple Myeloma"
  • Alana Keller - Vibhakar Lab "Targeting Menin-1 in Ependymoma"
  • Parsa Haque - Sartorius Lab "Altered Metabolism in Endocrine Therapy Resistant Luminal Breast Cancer Cells"
  • Abe Martinez - Pearson Lab "The Unk Centriole Satellite Localized RNA Binding Protein is Upregulated in Centriole Overduplication"
  • John Aleman - Wang Lab "The Impact of Cancer Associated Fibroblasts and the Extracellular Matrix on the Stemness and Invasion of Squamous Cell Carcinoma"
  • Sophia Corbo - Karam Lab "The Role of Estrogen in Treatment Mediated Anti-Tumoral Response in HNSCC"
  • Li-Wei Kuo - Richer Lab "Tryptophan catabolism in triple negative breast cancer"
Hosted on Zoom - email Miranda McDevitt for link
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