Online Training Resources

Enhance Your Career Through Online Learning

At the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, we focus on creating a culture of learning, not only for our students, but for our faculty and staff as well.

To support this, there are several online options for professional development and continuing education. No matter your role, there are a wide variety of online resources to support you in your career.

e-Learning Platforms

Skillsoft Icon LogoPercipio 

Percipio hosts a wide variety of online courses of professional interest, including required training, custom courses, and so much more. Learn at your own pace when it’s convenient for you.

Coursera Icon LogoCoursera

CU on Coursera is a suite of over 150 online courses taught by faculty from across the University of Colorado. It includes interactive videos and resources and has adaptive schedules so courses can be taken at your own pace.

LinkedIn-Learning Icon LogoLinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning serves as an online library of instructional videos, taught by accomplished instructors and recognized industry experts, that cover the latest software and business skills.

FranklinCovey Icon LogoFranklinCovey All-Access Pass

FranklinCovey is a world leader in helping organizations achieve transformational workplace results.

The All-Access Pass provides access to world-class content and sustainability tools, including everything from live events to a full video learning library.

Professional Development Resources

The Project Management Institute reports that 90% of project teams now include one or more workers who operate from different locations than their supervisors and teammates. Nearly 80% of managers now supervise a worker or workers at remote locations. Many leaders face isolation because their team members are far away. These long-distance leaders need to use a variety of tools specifically designed to address distance leadership issues and concerns. This audio-only course based on Kevin Eikenberry and Wayne Turmel’s comprehensive, research-based manual offers valuable insights for those who lead remote workers, including 19 rules for long-distance leaders.

Join world-renowned productivity and time management expert David Allen as he walks you through his five-step process for Getting Things Done®. He shows you how to stay on top of your work and avoid feeling buried by it, while carving out space in your life to do more meaningful things. Learn how to capture, clarify, organize, reflect, and engage with tasks that are demanding your attention, and come away with a clear head and a clear focus.

Are you wanting to enhance your Excel skills? Try this short LinkedIn Learning course called, "Excel: VLOOKUP and XLOOKUP for Beginners".

VLOOKUP—and XLOOKUP, the newer version for 365 subscribers—are among Excel’s most powerful functions, yet you can master them with a few simple steps. Supercharge your Excel skills and save time with these powerful lookup functions.

Poll Everywhere Tutorials & Resources

Poll Everywhere is a web-based app for creating live, interactive activities to engage an audience and encourage active learning.


Additional Resources

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