New Book Alert
Nancy Robertson, DNP May 16, 2023
May 1, 2023 marked the launch of a new book “Modern Sutras from Nurses: Finding Peace”. This self-care book is co-edited by Dr. Jean Watson, Director of the Watson Caring Science Institute, and Dr. Sean M. Reed, Assistant Professor University of Colorado College of Nursing. Dr. Sean Reed’s comments recently posted on LinkedIn reflect the importance of this literary contribution:
This book was dreamed up by a group of Jean's postdocs, senior scholars, and students from her Caring Science as Sacred Science class, and I had the privilege of being one of them. I want to extend my sincerest gratitude to the contributors who helped bring this book to life, Karen White-Trevino, Jennifer Drake, Debby Flickinger, Danielle Leone-Sheehan, Gloria Littlemouse, Julie Piazza, Priscilla Javed, Patricia Crispi, Natalya Yim, and Rita Romito-DiGiacomo. Their personal truths will inspire, delight, and comfort nurses who engage in the human caring processes that often occur in the back recesses of clinics, homes, and hospitals where the value of human-to-human caring is not always recognized or counted as clinical evidence in the healing process of healthcare.
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