Message from the MSPC Director
F. Amos Bailey, MD Mar 16, 2020Dear Colleagues—
We are now working and living through the most serious public health crisis of our lifetime and careers. This is and will be physically, emotionally, spiritually, and ethically challenging. You know that sounds like what Palliative Care is all about. We have committed ourselves to caring for the whole person and family, to transform our healthcare systems and to transform ourselves though study and reflection.
We are all an invaluable resource to support those we come in contact with as we face the threat of COVID-19. We are more hopeful because of you and all our colleagues who are coming together to meet this threat. It will be important to also take care of yourself in order to care for others. And to pay special attention to your family. The faculty of the MSPC program wants to acknowledge and honor the added strain both personally and professionally that you may experience as you continue your work.
We all have mission critical tasks ahead of us. Stay grounded, practice resilience, reach for each other. We can maintain physical distance without social isolating ourselves. We support all students, faculty, and colleagues as you bring your Palliative Care skills to the work ahead of us.
In all Peace and Hope,
Amos Bailey, MD
Director of the Interprofessional Palliative Care Masters of Science and Certificate programs
University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Campus