Hyper-stasis by Travis Vermilye

June 13 - August 29, 2013


Vermilye, Travis Hyper-stasis

Everyday we make choices that impact our health. What we eat. What we do. What we don't do.  Hyper-stasis examines the results of these choices, both physical and psychological, and provides a glimpse into the beauty that lies within each of us.  The twelve illustrations which comprise the exhibit are divided into two series; graphite drawings of common health conditions related to inactivity, and color illustrations representing the shortage of donated organs for transplantation in our country.

NINE Series:

The health effects of physical inactivity are increasingly problematic, particularly in the United States. This series of nine images explores the top NINE health–related conditions linked to physical inactivity. Intricate cellular networks are represented artistically and intertwined with NINE facts about each representative health condition. Each image is intentionally designed to draw the viewer in for closer inspection where the written information then comes into view.

Waiting Series:

The ratio of individuals registered and waiting for organ transplant surgery to those who receive surgery in the United States is staggering. This series of images explores the emotional and social impact related to the three most commonly transplanted organs: kidney, liver and pancreas. In each piece, the labyrinth represents the path that hopeful individuals take on their journey to organ transplant surgery. Those actually receiving surgery appear in the center of the labyrinth. Organs are represented in somewhat abstract form, while the labyrinth pathways loosely adhere to the anatomical structure of the represented organ tissues.

Artist's Statement:

The health of our society and of the individual people who make up that society are extremely important to me. Information about human health is widely available; however, the way in which that information is consumed does not necessarily inspire deep thought or self reflection. Through the combination of illustrative techniques, information visualization, and application of design process, I strive to provoke thought and encourage self-reflection regarding our health and health choices while portraying the beauty of the human body.
My experience as a medical illustrator provides a somewhat unique perspective on health issues and medical treatment. Throughout my career, I have been fortunate to witness multiple surgical procedures and gain first-hand knowledge of the personal connections people have to their health and body image. Such experiences provide valuable insights that inform my creative process and artistic direction.

Travis Vermilye is an Assistant Professor at the University of Colorado Denver, College of
Arts and Media, Department of Visual Art.   Gallery hours are M-F from 9am-5pm.

Read about Travis's work in "Art of Science and the Science of Art​" featured in the August edition of University Health Insider.

View the Aurora News Weekly video interview with Travis Vermilye and the Fulginiti Pavilion

Read "Medicine and Art Collide at AMC" by Margaret Jackson, in Confluence Denver

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