The Plaza Building will be closed through at least Dec. 6 because of a water line break and expected repairs. The Health Center, located in the building, will only offer Telehealth until further notice. Please check the Auraria Campus website for updates.
Category:IT SecurityProductivity and BusinessRemote AccessAudience:FacultyResearchersStaff
Data access requests can be made with appropriate permissions from data owners and initiated by the supervisor of the person in question, or by the department administrator.
For accessing a specific user's data, all non-emergency requests for access to another user’s data must be approved by HR and Legal before access is granted. If the approval is granted by HR and Legal, the IT Security and Compliance Team will coordinate the data transfer with the appropriate team(s) and the requesting department.
Instructions for submitting the Data Access Request (DAR) Form in the Service Center:
Log in to the Service Center (in the upper right hand corner) using your university credentials