The Energy Problem

As the world-wide demand for energy rises, common energy-producing fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas are being depleted, and the social, environmental and economic costs associated with energy consumption are increasing. There are no easy solutions to the energy crises, but the university can take actions to minimize energy consumption and resultant environmental impact.


Conservation, Efficiency, and Renewables are the trio of practices that the university can incorporate to mitigate energy usage impact and help to sustain our planet. These energy-use practices along with energy efficient building design using low-impact, long-lasting materials, programs for energy conservation, and environmentally friendly house-keeping practices, reduce a campus's negative environmental impact and contribute to sustainability. In addition to the environmental benefits energy conservation and efficiency provide, they also help to minimize a campus' energy related operating costs, insuring that adequate funds are available to maintain a university's infrastructure and programs.

Our campus environment is dynamic, buildings are constantly being added and renovated. As the the university continues to evolve, programs and ideas for greater energy conservation progressively develop. Facilities Management works to assure that the buildings at CU Denver and CU Anschutz are as energy and water efficient as possible. In newer buildings, occupancy sensor controls and advanced HVAC technologies work to control lighting, heating and cooling to keep from wasting electricity and natural gas. In older buildings, we are designing retrofit projects that can accomplish similar resource savings.

For a complete list of environmental programs and initiatives the university implements, see Environmental Programs.

New Construction

Newly constructed buildings on both campuses are certified LEED Gold. LEED buildings are more energy and water efficient was well as offering longer longevity and healthy interior environments. Currently, 7 buildings are certified LEED Gold with 2 additional facilities under construction:

  1. CU Anschutz: Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences, Anschutz Health & Wellness Center, Fulginiti Pavilion, Dental School, Anschutz Health Sciences Building (seeking LEED Gold, Version 4, 2021)
  2. CU Denver: Business School, Student Commons Building, Rob & Lola Salazar Health and Wellness Center, First Year Student Housing Building (seeking LEED Gold, Version 4, 2021)​

Conservation Reigns Supreme

The most efficient use of energy is conservation, or the energy we don’t use. This is as simple as turning off light switches when you leave a room, turning off your computer when you leave the office, printing on both sides of the page or making sure the faucet is completely off. With a concerted and combined effort of efficiency and conservation by everyone at CU Anschutz and CU Denver, we can see significant savings in resource use and the costs associated with purchasing those resources.


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