Gates Grubstake Fund Awardees
Guest Contributor Jan 1, 2020
The Gates Center for Regenerative Medicine has announced four recipients of funding through its Gates Grubstake Fund, which provides translational research funding for projects and teams affiliated with the center. The awardees receive up to $350,000 each to support their work.
The 2019 Grubstake recipients and their projects are:
Terry Fry, MD
Professor of pediatrics-hematology and immunology
Project: Optimized manufacturing of CD19xCD22 CAR expressing T Cells for the clinic
Holger Russ, PhD
Assistant professor of pediatrics
Project: Generation of functional, patient specific thymi for cell therapy
Ram Nagaraj, PhD
Professor of ophthalmology
Project: Therapeutic peptide for neuroprotection in acute closed angle glaucoma
Raj Kumar, PhD
Professor of division of reproductive medicine
Project: Production of efficacious recombinant hypo-glycosylated FSH glycoform for clinical applications